Experience, professionalism
and commitment

Welcome, and thank you for visiting this website.

My name is Gabriel Vega. I was born in Madrid in 1973 and after finishing my university studies I started my professional career as a translator in 1997. Since then, I have worked continuously in this field, taking on different roles within the industry. I have been a project manager, proofreader/editor, in-house translator or linguistic coordinator, as well as the founder and director of translation agencies, until finally arriving at my current occupation as a freelance translator. My participation in all these different stages of the translation process has allowed me to see the process from all angles and, at the same time, it has given me a global vision of it.

I am a professional member of Asetrad, the Spanish Association of Translators, Correctors and Interpreters, and as such, I follow the rules established in their code of ethics in my daily activities.


Experience 100%
Commitment 100%
Attention to detail 100%